February 2020: The month of LOVE. To thine own self be true?

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.   Love is a gift of one's innermost soul to another so both can be whole. Let all-embracing thoughts for all beings be yours.- BUDDHA

Having somehow slipped well into 2020 the 'Happy New Year' greetings are over and Valentine's Day is upon us.  As I reflect on this season of love, I choose to focus on my relationship with the word itself, what it means to me, and how it manifests itself in my life.  

Love is an action, a feeling, a gift. Love is a fire within the self that if not stoked can perish.  We must mindfully tend to our hearts in order to love freely and openly, without being attached to receiving anything in return.  When left unattended, our hearts grow stiff, cold, jealous, and lazy, and so does the radiating energy that comes from it.  Our hearts vibrate on high for what brings us meaning and therefore touches our souls.

Mindfulness is when your awareness meets the present moment.  You must intentionally set your focus on that which brings you meaning and purpose.  Once your focus is set, the path is full.  Full of joy, tears, laughter, and hard work, but ultimately on an upward trend toward something greater than one emotion in time.

A famous writer once said 'To thine own self be true'.  I believe Shakespear's meaning around this phrase was to be 'true' or 'honest' with yourself in all scenarios.  If we can be honest with our deepest sense of self and purpose then we can confidently forge our own paths with what brings us meaning, touches our souls, and connects to the heart.  A heart's love is far greater than the self and has the power to stir the spirit that lies in our shared humanity, our community. 

My hope for you this season is to tend to your own heart's rose garden.  Find the spark and gently blow.  Feed it with mindful attention and then see what comes up.  And remember, it's an upward trend, not a straight line up.

With love, joy, and maybe a few tears along the way,


Laura Della Guardia