December 2019: Let it go, let it go, let it go! Bring the yoga with you this season.

We seem to shift gears sometime around Thanksgiving and move into a holiday season mindset.  This month-long holiday spirit is full of duality which permeates every aspect of our lives.  Love all around vs. 3 days max on family time or else I'll go nuts.  Gift giving as a language of love vs. wondering if you spent enough money to convey how you feel.  Taking the time to send holiday cards in the mail vs. wondering why no one ever sends you those pretty sparkly cards.  Etc...

In every single one of my yoga classes, I try to convey a few basic ideas.  First, to treat your body with respect by listening to it and moving in a way that supports your overall wellness.  Approach your asana (poses) with attentiveness and kindness, place your feet on the earth as if embracing it, stabilize your joints to stay grounded, and lengthen upwards to find lightness and openness. 

Secondly, breathe!  This is your life force, your prana, your chi.  These are the vibrations that radiate from within you and it all comes down to how you breathe.  We practice pranayama (breathwork) in class so as to find ease in breath and life throughout our day.  The more practice you put in, the more ease you shall find, sometimes.

Lastly, let it go.  Let it ALL go.  Work hard for the sake of working hard.   Make the right now worth it, and let go of whatever outcome you may be hoping for.  Become attached to the process, not the results.

All of this to say, and really just to remind myself, to bring some yoga with you everywhere this season.  Yoga in the studio is only a sliver of what this practice is.  My advice to you (and myself):  Nourish your soul and feel zero guilt when you indulge in those yummy treats made with love.  Some days are for salads, but for the next few weeks, cookies are king.  Enjoy. Love your family and friends, be kind and forgiving. Soften. Adapt. Breathe.  And then breathe again. And finally, let go.  Let go of your expectations for the season, for the gatherings, for the festivities.  Let go of comparisons and judgement.  Let go of control over anyone, anything, or anyplace that isn't YOU.  Take charge of yourself and how you interact with the world and let go of how you expect the world to react.  

Everything and everyone is bound together with invisible strings. A complex exchange of energy reverberating throughout the universe.  Embody the energy you wish to receive, without attachment to receiving it.  Bring the yoga with you this season dear yogi.

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti,


Laura Della Guardia