Septemper 2020: The art of goodbye

The art of goodbye

À bientôt mes amis!

As I begin to write this long overdue newsletter I realize how much I've wanted to say since the last but have not.  I usually jot down topics and themes that are relevant to my life and then elaborate on them until finally I communicate those musings to you my dear friends, family, sangha.  As of late though, I've been more busy observing, listening, and digesting.

For fear of being cliché, 2020 has thrown us all through a loop, more than once.  And guess what, it's not over. A scary worldwide pandemic - Covid-19, important movements like BLM, unprecedented forest fires, the untimely death of RBG, and the upcoming crucial November election (VOTE!) have my eyes and ears wide open.  Just because I'm intently listening and learning doesn't mean I didn't come out of Covid hibernation for the BLM protests and doesn't mean I haven't been available to friends and family who needed me, it just means it has been a lot to process and I've needed time.  

Meanwhile, as life slowed to a snail's pace during lockdown, the universe was hard at work with other plans for me.  As most of you know, I'm pregnant and expecting a baby boy in February!  As much as I could have kept teaching during an era of in studio classes, the online nature of classes is such that I won't be able to keep demonstrating much longer - in fact, my last class is today!  If all goes well, I'll be back with you online next Spring.  The other bit of news is that I'm moving to London in a week. Yep. London, England here we come!  So, if for any reason you're on that side of the pond in the Spring of 2021, I'll see you in class, in person!

Leaving is bittersweet.  I've spent over 7 years in San Francisco and have had the time of my life.  I grew up a TCK (Third Culture Kid), the product of a French Father and American mother, moving every 2-3 years to different countries across the globe.  I landed in Paris for college and worked all over Africa moving every 3-6 months until my late 20's.  After spontaneously spending a New Year's Eve in San Francisco in December 2012, I fell in love with the city,  and by May 2013 I had moved from Tunisia to SF.  One friend, no family, no job.  The one sentiment that stood out about my frame of mind during that transition was:

'I will be what I want to attract'.

Want joy? Spread joy.
Want kindness? Be kind.
Want love?  Spread love.
Want to be heard? Listen.
Want good friends?  Be one.
Want a community? Participate.

Do it all without expecting anything in return.  In the end karma adds up and comes back in the most unexpected ways at the most unexpected times.

I know for a fact that over the past 7 years I have become a more kind, more compassionate, and a more interested person.  And over time, I've found myself surrounded by the same kind of people.  I've never lived anywhere as long as SF and have truly created a home and community for myself.  However, I do feel ever so distant from my European roots, and so does my Italian husband.  We're ready to leave, but it's hard to say goodbye.

The art of goodbye is a fickle friend with whom I have a very intimate relationship.  I've done it all my life.  Making friends, creating a community, and then leaving.  I've gotten good at it, but also a little numb to it.  Part of me moves on a little too easily, but the other part secretly knows how small the world is if you train yourself to see it that way.  So, dear Bay Area community, let's not call it goodbye, rather, 'à bientôt'!

PLEASE keep in touch.  High tea in London? Sign me up.  Want to be pen pals?  Lets do it.  Anything at all!  Please write:

With ease in body, peace in mind, and love in heart,


Laura Della Guardia